
樱桃 & White 餐饮 Company is 威尼斯赌场网站’s campus partner and approved 承办酒席的人. They must be used for all university-funded food and beverage purchases for on-campus events, 会议, 会议, 研讨会, 等.   

餐饮 Policy Exceptions 

Exceptions to this policy, or requests to use food services from a vendor other than 樱桃 & White 餐饮, require pre-approval from the Office of Business Services at least 2 weeks prior to an event 通过 餐饮 Exception System (CES).  Each exception request submitted in the system must be approved by the initiator’s budget unit head, 樱桃 & White 餐饮 Company (if applicable), and the Office of Business Services.  A detailed justification explaining why an outside vendor is being requested must be included with each exception request. We often find that 樱桃 & White 餐饮 is competitive in cost, food variety, and service.  Therefore, exception requests will typically be approved only when 樱桃 & White 餐饮 cannot provide the requested food items or service.   

此外, Certificate of Liability 保险 (COI) is required for any on-campus meeting or event when food/beverage is set up and/or served by an outside 承办酒席的人. The COI must be provided by the outside 承办酒席的人 and submitted with the catering exception request.  The COI must: 1) reflect a minimum of $1 million in liability coverage and 2) list 威尼斯赌场网站 as an additional insured and certificate holder.  

Certificates of Liability 保险 are not required when: 

  • food is picked up from a restaurant and dispersed amongst meeting/event attendees; or 
  • food is delivered (but not set up or served) to an on-campus meeting/event by a restaurant, 承办酒席的人, or food delivery service (DoorDash, 超级吃, 等.). 

Submitting a 餐饮 Exception Request  

All catering exception requests must be submitted to Business Services 通过 餐饮 Exception System (CES).   To access the CES, go to TUportal and select “餐饮 Exception System (CES)” from the TUApplications menu on the left.  To learn more about the CES and how to submit your request, please review the 这些教程.  

For external vendors and guests 没有 single sign-on access to TUportal, please see our paper-based catering exception form. The completed form along with any required additional documentation can be emailed to 或传真至  

 When 餐饮 Exception Approvals Are NOT Required 

餐饮 exception approvals are not required for the following:

  • Off-campus events unless the external gathering is held at a location where a third-party catering company is hired to serve food and/or alcohol (e.g.(租用大厅) 
  •  购买披萨 注意: the Office of Business Services will work with 应付账款 to conduct periodic audits of receipts submitted for reimbursements to ensure compliance with the university’s catering policy. 
  • Donated food items 
  • Faculty, staff, and/or student meals at a restaurant 
  • Food and/or beverage purchases of $500 or less– unless a catering company will be on campus to set up and/or serve – in which case a Certificate of Liability 保险 (COI) is required (The previous threshold was food/beverage costs totaling less than $250.)  

Reimbursement requests for purchases outlined above can be submitted directly to 应付账款 through Concur Travel and Expense 没有 a catering exception approval from Business Services. 

联系 Information 

For more information about the catering exception policy, or for assistance with the CES, please contact Kathleen Paul in the Office of Business Services at 215-204-3121, 或者电子邮件餐饮.exception@chriswaldegar.com. 

Office of Business Services
Aramark STAR Complex
1816 N. 15日圣.328套房
Philadelphia, PA 19121